After Your PhD Blog

The After Your PhD Blog is a free resource founded by Ryan Collins, PhD. Ryan is currently an SEO Strategist working in the private sector. As more and more PhDs consider careers outside of academia, I strongly feel that resources like After Your PhD are helpful for academics considering new careers.

Welcome to After Your PhD!

Sign up for the After Your PhD Newsletter to see new blog posts, job leads, and more!

Founder – Ryan Collins PhD

Questions Asked on After Your PhD:

  • What do I do after PhD?
  • How do I network with industry professionals?
  • What careers exist for PhDs?
  • Do other people regret their PhDs?
  • Is a PhD worth it?

Some of the text-based interviews are brief interviews that provide insight into the journeys of academics who made the decision to leave academia and pursue careers. Some of the careers already featured on the After Your PhD include:

  • Data Scientist
  • Educational Technologist
  • Content Designer

Share your experience and your story. My perspective is not enough. As more people leave academia, chances are you’ll want a faster way to share your story with folks.

How An Interview Works on After Your PhD

I’ll briefly interview you (whatever medium works for you, video, audio, or just text) and let you tell your story and help others in the process by sharing your story on the blog. I’ll edit the interview for brevity and clarity and try to reach as many people as possible.

Email or contact me on LinkedIn.

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After Your PhD

Explore careers outside of academia. Ask questions. Talk To People. Keep Learning.

Browse Recent Blog Posts

  • Data Consulting for Non-Profit Organizations

  • Is UX A Viable Career Path for Academics?

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Learn more about career pivoting on the rest of the After Your PhD social media accounts.